Chafe at the bit

Chafe at the bit
Рваться в бой (проявлять нетерпение)

Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "Chafe at the bit" в других словарях:

  • champ (or chafe) at the bit — be restlessly impatient to start doing something. → champ …   English new terms dictionary

  • chafe at the bit — see at chomp …   Useful english dictionary

  • chomp at the bit — chomp (or champ or chafe) at the bit be restless and impatient to start doing something …   Useful english dictionary

  • chafe — [chāf] vt. chafed, chafing [ME chaufen < OFr chaufer, to warm < L calefacere, to make warm: see CALEFACIENT] 1. to rub so as to stimulate or make warm 2. to wear away by rubbing 3. to irritate or make sore by rubbing 4. to annoy; irritate …   English World dictionary

  • chafe — /chayf/, v., chafed, chafing, n. v.t. 1. to wear or abrade by rubbing: He chafed his shoes on the rocks. 2. to make sore by rubbing: Her collar chafed her neck. 3. to irritate; annoy: The dripping of the faucet chafed her nerves. 4. to warm by… …   Universalium

  • bit — I [[t]bɪt[/t]] n. v. bit•ted, bit•ting. 1) the mouthpiece of a bridle, having fittings at each end to which the reins are fastened 2) anything that curbs or restrains 3) mac a removable drilling or boring tool for use in a brace, drill press, or… …   From formal English to slang

  • chafe — [c]/tʃeɪf / (say chayf) verb (chafed, chafing) –verb (t) 1. to warm by rubbing. 2. to wear or abrade by rubbing. 3. to make sore by rubbing. 4. to irritate; annoy. 5. Obsolete to heat; make warm. –verb (i) 6. to rub; press with friction. 7. to… …  

  • chafe or champ at the bit — idi to become impatient and restless because of delay …   From formal English to slang

  • Second Chances (Star Trek: The Next Generation) — Second Chances Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Commander Riker confronts Lieutenant Riker E …   Wikipedia

  • champ — champ1 verb 1》 munch enthusiastically or noisily.     ↘(of a horse) make a noisy biting or chewing action. 2》 fret impatiently. Phrases champ (or chafe) at the bit be restlessly impatient to start doing something. Origin ME: prob. imitative.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • List of Splinter Cell characters — The following is a list of characters found throughout the Splinter Cell series of video games and novels. Contents 1 Major characters 1.1 Lieutenant Commander Samuel Sam Fisher, USN (Ret.) 1.2 Colonel Irving Lambert, USA (KIA) …   Wikipedia

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